Blu-ray (Blu-Ray)

2020 Blu-Ray

Source File Description TypeSegment Map Length Size
00628.mpls Knives Out MainMovie510,505,513,512,502,506,504,519,507,518,520,509,508,503,515 2:10:13 28.3 GB
00701.mpls Deleted Scenes DeletedScene2799,2800 0:04:57 464.1 MB
00713.mpls Making a Murder Extra2818,2801,2802,2803,2804,2805,2806,2807,2808 1:54:07 10.2 GB
00714.mpls Rian Johnson: Planning the Perfect Murder Extra2809 0:06:17 577.0 MB
00715.mpls Director and Cast Q&A Extra2810 0:42:09 3.1 GB
00716.mpls Teaser Trailer Trailer2811 0:02:12 201.9 MB
00717.mpls Theatrical Trailer Trailer2812 0:02:35 238.4 MB
00718.mpls Trailer #2 Trailer2813 0:01:08 104.0 MB
00719.mpls Trailer #3 Trailer2814 0:01:43 157.8 MB
00720.mpls Thromby Real Estate Ad Extra2815 0:00:34 52.3 MB
00721.mpls Blood Like Wine Publishing Ad Extra2816 0:00:56 86.2 MB
00722.mpls Flam Ad Extra2817 0:00:34 52.3 MB
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