Blu-ray (Blu-Ray)


Source File Description TypeSegment Map Length Size
00800.mpls Backdraft MainMovie10 2:17:17 37.8 GB
00301.mpls Deleted Scenes DeletedScene50135 0:43:10 1.9 GB
00309.mpls Theatrical Trailers Trailer50140,50141 0:05:55 193.1 MB
00011.m2ts Ron Howard Introduction Extra11 0:02:52 94.7 MB
50134.m2ts Bringing Together the Team Extra50134 0:19:09 1000.5 MB
50136.m2ts Igniting the Story Extra50136 0:15:00 497.1 MB
50137.m2ts The Explosive Stunts Extra50137 0:14:41 488.0 MB
50138.m2ts Creating the Villain: The Fire Extra50138 0:12:51 426.8 MB
50139.m2ts Real-Life Firemen, Real-Life Stories Extra50139 0:08:58 298.0 MB
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